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Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Welcome to my site, my name is Jess Indaja. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after struggling with my weight throughout my teen years and adulthood. My doctor informed me about all of the dangers associated with my diet and exercise habits. I was encouraged to change the way I ate and moved in an effort to reverse my blood sugar problem. I made the changes, but still struggle with controlling my blood sugar. After going through this trying situation, I decided to make a site that may help others with problems associated with type 2 diabetes. I will discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments and medical research concerning this disease. I hope you visit often and learn all you can to control your type 2 diabetes or help others with this condition.

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research


Tips For Controlling Swelling After Elbow Surgery

Getting elbow surgery can feel like a major hassle because it reduces the amount of use that you get out of your arm and can be very painful. One way to make the rehabilitation process and healing process go more smoothly is to actively control your swelling. Here are some tips for controlling the swelling in your elbow after surgery. 1. Keep Your Elbow Elevated For the first few weeks after your surgery, try to keep your elbow elevated so that it is above your heart whenever possible.

Say Goodbye To Unsightly Hairs With These 2 All-Natural DIY Masks

Are you suffering from abnormal hair growth on your face or body, a condition known as hirsutism? If so, you're not alone. In some cases, this is caused by excess male hormones in the body. Sometimes, it is a result of certain medications that you may be taking. Regardless of the reason, unwanted hair growth can be a very embarrassing problem. Here are a couple of at-home remedies that you can do to help eradicate the growth of unwanted hair:

5 Tips For Taking Care Of A Power Wheelchair For Newbies

If you just recently purchased a power wheelchair, learning how to take care of it can feel overwhelming. However, with proper care and maintenance, your power wheelchair can last for a long time. Here are a few things you need to know about wheelchair maintenance as a new wheelchair owner.   Read The Owner's Manual Set the owner's manual out where you will see it and make a point of reading or skimming through it within the first week or two of getting your new power wheelchair.

Protect Your Skin This Winter With These 4 Tips

A lot of people may feel more comfortable about their bodies in the winter because they are able to cover it more. Even though you won't be baring as much of your body in the winter as you would in the summer, you still want to ensure you are maintaining it. The cold weather can wreak havoc on your skin causing it to flake, dry, and hurt. During the summer, your skin is privy to the extra humidity present.

3 Changes You Can Make In Your Life That May Reduce Lower Back Pain

If you suffer from low back pain on a regular basis, you may wonder if the pain will ever go away. Luckily, there are some life changes you can make which might be able to offer you some relief. Here are some things you can do that may reduce the pain you feel in your lower back. Sleep More According to one study, 53% of people who have lower back pain have insomnia.

Exercising With Bunions: What You Can Do To Reduce Pain

Some people subscribe to the "no pain, no gain" school of exercise. But if you have bunions and exercising is becoming more and more painful, this is your body's way of telling you that it's not happy with what you're doing. Instead of trying to push through the pain – or giving up on exercise completely – consider modifying your exercise routine to take your bunions into account. Jogging, Running, And High-Impact Exercise

Surgery For Spina Bifida: What The Procedure Entails

Back surgeons often perform pain-relieving procedures that increase the quality of their patients' lives. With spina bifida, however, it is more about saving the patient's life rather than just increasing the quality of life. The surgical procedures for spina bifida are very delicate, dangerous and intricate. Depending on the gravity of the patient's spina bifida, the back surgeons may need to perform several complex surgeries all at once. They may also stretch the surgeries out to allow the patient time to heal.

Knowing The Signs Of A Bee Sting Allergy

If you have a small child, you will not know if they are allergic to getting stung by a bee until they are confronted with the actual situation. Knowing the signs of anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction) will help you make the determination as to whether you need to seek medical treatment for your child at a hospital or if you can administer remedies at home to ease the pain associated from the sting. Here are some of the signs to look for after your child is stung by a bee and how to handle this type of emergency if there is indeed an allergy problem.

5 Ways To Prepare For Cardiac Catheterization

Cardiac catheterization is a heart test that checks for potential signs of heart disease. The way the test works is a tube is inserted in a blood vessel either in your arm or leg and then lead to your heart where imaging tests can be done. This is a very invasive test that you want to be sure you are prepared for. Here are five ways to prepare for the test:

How To Reduce The Appearance Of Spider Veins On Your Hands

Spider veins form when the blood vessels in a part of your body become swollen or inflamed, causing tiny purple or red marks underneath your skin that clearly show through. They can be embarrassing and frustrating for a person because it is very difficult to hide them with makeup. Here are some tips for reducing the appearance of spider veins on hands and allowing you to continue to live your life.

Identifying The Four Muscles That Make Up Your Rotator Cuff And How Shoulder Surgery Repairs Them

There are fifteen muscles in each of your shoulders. Out of these muscles, you can tear or injure at least half, including your deltoids, your lats (latissimus dorsi, or "back lat" muscles) and the four muscles that make up each rotator cuff. In each case, a torn muscle may heal on its own, if given enough time and immobilized. However, some shoulder muscle injuries are so severe that they need surgery to heal correctly.

Things To Be Aware Of When Using An At-Home STD Testing Kit

Those who seek the peace of mind of knowing that they're free from STDs may come across information on home testing kits when researching their options. Home STD testing kits are available that can allow individuals to test for certain sexually transmitted diseases with complete confidentiality and privacy.  Most people aren't crazy about the idea of discussing the possibility that they've contracted a STD face-to-face with a stranger at a clinic.

No One Fights Alone: Resources For Oncology Patients

Facing a cancer diagnosis can be frightening, overwhelming, and isolating. You may find yourself struggling to understand your diagnosis, treatment options, and wonder how you will manage financially and emotionally. Open communication and support from your oncologist can help you navigate your treatment plan more effectively. In addition, your oncologist can provide you with resources to support you and the members of your family. Hospital or Clinic Social Worker

2 Tips For Ensuring Your Child's Immunizations Work Properly

Getting your child immunized is essential to their overall health. Don't fall under the dangerous misconception of believing that your child is safe because other children have been immunized. Unless your child is in the rare population of people who cannot receive immunizations for health reasons, you should be sure to take every step to ensure their health and safety. Here are a couple things that parents can do to ensure that their children are getting the proper treatment that they need.

So, You Have Just Been Diagnosed With Vitiligo: 3 Important Questions To Ask Your Dermatologist

If you have recently been diagnosed with vitiligo, it's important to know what you can do to reverse or slow down its symptoms. Although vitiligo is an auto-immune disorder that results in patches of uneven skin color all over the body, its symptoms and the severity of those symptoms will vary tremendously from one patient to another. By understanding the disease and asking the right questions, you can often manage it and prevent the problem from worsening.

3 Tips For Getting Your Loved One Into An Alcohol Rehabilitation Center

Do you have a child, spouse, or other loved one who is dependent on alcohol? Is their addiction threatening their safety and health, as well as the well-being of those around them? If so, it may be time to take action. Getting them into an alcohol rehabilitation center could be the first step on the road to recovery. However, your loved one may not quickly embrace the idea of entering a rehabilitation center.

It's An Emergency! 3 Tips For Your Emergency Room Visit

No one wants to suffer a serious injury or illness, but if you do, you may need to make a trip to the emergency room. Here are three tips for your visit. Prepare Yourself For Questions When you go to the emergency room in pain and suffering from an injury of any kind, you won't likely be in the right mindset to rattle off your personal details. Unfortunately, the hospital needs to know all about you, so you can be treated appropriately.

Tips To Help You Mentally Prepare For Holistic Weight Loss

Holistic weight loss is an approach that takes into account the whole body. While the primary goal is to shed unwanted pounds, not only does your body need to be aligned towards this goal, but your mind also needs to be in alignment with this effort. If your mind and body aren't connected and focused on the same goal, you could have less successful results than you had hoped for. If you're preparing to embark on a holistic weight loss treatment, familiarize yourself with some helpful tips to get your mind ready for the journey.

Have Varicose Veins But Scared Of Major Surgery? You Don't Have To Keep Suffering!

You've probably heard of invasive surgery as a solution to varicose veins before, but don't worry: it isn't the only treatment available by a long shot. If you'd prefer to stick with low-impact and outpatient treatment options, you'll find you still have quite a variety to choose from. Pretreatment Options For minor cases of varicose veins, successful pretreatment may mean you don't have to undergo any actual surgical procedures to fix the problem.

Never Miss A Pill: Home Pharmacy Delivery Made Easy

Maintenance medications can be a critical part of keeping you healthy. If you depend on medications to keep your heart healthy, to treat a genetic condition, or for other long-term medical conditions, you can't really afford to run out. This is where having your medications delivered to your home can be a lifesaver. In order to make home delivery work for you, you need to make sure you set up the right services.

4 Foot-Related Signs That You Might Have Diabetes

According to statistics from 2012, 29.1 million Americans have diabetes. What might be even more shocking, however, is that of those 29.1 million, a whopping 8.1 million were not diagnosed. This means that there are a lot of people out there who have no idea that they have diabetes. However, many people who don't know that they have diabetes simply aren't seeing the signs. A lot of people think about blood sugar-related signs, but diabetes can show itself in a lot of surprising ways.

What Is In The Dentist's Easter Basket?

Have you ever wondered what the Easter bunny might be bringing your family dentist? Surprisingly, your dentist and the Easter bunny might have more in common than you think. Here are a few dentist approved items that you just might find in your Easter basket this year. Carrots Crunchy raw vegetables, such as carrots, are a top pick of bunnies and dentists alike. They help you maintain a healthy smile by clearing away plaque and freshening your breath.

Recognizing And Dealing With High Frequency Hearing Loss: What You Should Know

During a hearing test, the audiologist will test your ability to hear across a variety of frequencies. Most tests will start on frequencies as low as 250 Hz and reach frequencies as high as 8000 Hz. If you're unable to hear sounds on the higher frequency levels, you may have high frequency hearing loss. Here's a look at what you should know about high frequency hearing loss and how to deal with it.

Dealing With Skin Cancer: How To Keep Your Skin Healthy And Beautiful

When you are diagnosed with cancer in any form, the news is disheartening and difficult to process. And when the diagnosis is skin cancer, you may find yourself at once dismayed and relieved. You feel dismay because any cancer is bad, but also because of the potential for large and noticeable scars on your otherwise beautiful skin, and you feel relief because most forms of skin cancer are easily treatable and can be eradicated quickly.

5 Exotic Fruits You Didn't Know Can Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Good nutrition is essential for optimal eye health. Antioxidants, vitamins and other important nutrients have shown to be effective in reducing your risk of developing macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and other eye-related diseases. 1. Dragonfruit The dragonfruit is considered the most colorful fruit of the cactus family. It is great for your eyes because of its high levels of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to protect and nourish your eye's cornea and may reduce your risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.

4 Benefits That Walk-In Clinics Offer

Whether you're really sick or just need a routine exam or shot, you may be considering visiting a walk-in clinic instead of a traditional medical office or hospital. This can be a great place to get medical care, no matter how old you are. There are many benefits to visiting walk-in clinics to take care of a variety of medical needs. You Won't Wait Forever In most cases, you can be seen very quickly at a walk-in clinic.

The Three Most Common Food Allergies In Children

As a parent, you want to be sure that you are aware of all dangers that can make their way into your child's life. These dangers include food allergies, which are especially important to be aware of once your baby is able to start eating solid foods. During this transition in your baby's life, you must be aware of all foods you are giving to him or her and be certain that you take careful note as to whether or not they are having a reaction to it.

Four Surprising Things You'll Learn In Beauty School

While you might be under the impression that esthetician school studies are limited to learning to apply makeup and cut hair, there's a lot more to the business than meets the eye. In fact, studying at beauty school exposes students to a surprising variety of different subjects. A thorough understanding of numerous subjects is necessary for a student to establish a successful career as an esthetician.  The following are four of the most surprising subjects that are generally included on an aspiring esthetician's curriculum:

The Advantages Of Technology On Your Health

Every day people are diagnosed with illnesses and diseases. While many doctors remain steadfast in treating symptoms their patients are experiencing, the primary concern is actually treating the illness. In order to do this more effectively, doctors are relying more and more on technology to help improve their medical capabilities. As the healthcare industry becomes more technologically advanced, patients are getting a better overall experience when seeing a doctor. Quicker Responses

Beyond Back Pain: Conditions You Didn't Know Chiropractic Care Could Treat

Chiropractic care is a popular way for adults to alleviate back pain. In fact, each year 22 million Americans see chiropractors for issues like lower back strains and herniated discs. However, chiropractors can treat many other common medical ailments. You may not need medication from your physician that makes you sleepy, unable to drive or work when you have a migraine or suffer from vertigo. So, the next time you or member of family suffers from one of the following medical problems, consider seeking treatment from your chiropractor like the one from Chiropractor Plus.

What You Need To Know About Your First Massage

Getting a massage is one of the best ways to relax and encourage healthy functioning of the body. Many people choose to get massages regularly because of the many benefits. If you have never gotten a massage, you might be wondering what to expect. Here are some things you need to know about getting a professional massage. 1. Choose A Place That Is Comfortable For You It is important when you get a massage that you are in a place that is comfortable.

Three Common Hearing Aid Myths Busted With Actual Facts

You may be tired of having to ask people to repeat themselves. There is no doubt you are fed up with not being included in conversations. You are probably even tired of having to hear everyone else complain about the noise when you sit down to watch television. However, there are those nagging thoughts that were kindly offered up by well-meaning folks, floating around in the back of your mind about hearing aids.

Current Treatments for Colorectal Cancer

It is estimated that well over 1.6 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in 2015, with colon cancer being one of the three most-diagnosed cancers in both men and women. This information is compounded by the estimated statistics suggesting that the occurrence of colon and rectal cancers in younger people between the ages of 20 to 34 will also increase by more than 90 percent within the next 15 years.

Self-Help Tips For Treating Blepharitis -- Infection Of The Eyelids

Blepharitis, a form of eyelid inflammation, is often caused by a bacterial infection. The condition can take two forms. It can affect either the outside front of the eyelid where the eyelashes grow or the glands within the eyelid that secrete oils that help lubricate the eye. Sometimes, you can suffer both kinds of blepharitis at the same time. Although the condition is chronic and can be difficult to manage, it doesn't usually cause vision damage.

When Your Child Needs Glasses

Your child's eyes need to bend light to work properly, but when any part of the retina, cornea, iris or pupil is impaired, it impacts your child's ability to see normally. If your child's eye doctor recommends that your child wear eyeglasses to correct this impairment, it's essential to choose the right pair of spectacles. Your child's eye doctor can help you choose the perfect pair, but keep a few tips in mind, as well, so your child leaves an optician's office like Optical View with glasses that will do their job and look good.

3 Signs That You Should Go To Immediate Care Instead Of A Physician's Office

When you think about going to the doctor, you probably think about scheduling an appointment with your primary care physician for care. Although your primary care doctor can help you with a lot of things, his office isn't the only place that you can go for medical assistance. In many cases, an immediate care facility can be a better fit. These are three signs that you should consider going to an urgent care office instead of scheduling an appointment with your primary care doctor.

Medical Weight Loss

Obesity increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. Obesity often requires long-term treatment to promote and sustain weight loss. So, it is important to know what obesity is and what the treatment options are. What is Obesity ? How do we define it? Obesity means having too much body fat. According to the the World Health Organization (WHO),  Any BMI ≥ 35 or 40 kg/m2 is severe obesity. A BMI of ≥ 35 kg/m2 and experiencing obesity-related health conditions or ≥40–44.