About Me

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Welcome to my site, my name is Jess Indaja. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after struggling with my weight throughout my teen years and adulthood. My doctor informed me about all of the dangers associated with my diet and exercise habits. I was encouraged to change the way I ate and moved in an effort to reverse my blood sugar problem. I made the changes, but still struggle with controlling my blood sugar. After going through this trying situation, I decided to make a site that may help others with problems associated with type 2 diabetes. I will discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments and medical research concerning this disease. I hope you visit often and learn all you can to control your type 2 diabetes or help others with this condition.

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

4 Benefits That Walk-In Clinics Offer

by Carla Hudson

Whether you're really sick or just need a routine exam or shot, you may be considering visiting a walk-in clinic instead of a traditional medical office or hospital. This can be a great place to get medical care, no matter how old you are. There are many benefits to visiting walk-in clinics to take care of a variety of medical needs.

You Won't Wait Forever

In most cases, you can be seen very quickly at a walk-in clinic. If you've ever had to wait several minutes or hours at a traditional emergency room or medical clinic, you know how frustrating the situation can be. With a visit to a walk-in clinic, you can be seen within moments. Some clinics even allow you to pre-schedule yourself for basic exams and shots so that you can be seen as soon as you walk in the door. If you have a busy lifestyle, this can be a great option.


Many people find it difficult to go to a regular medical office if they're low on funds or don't have medical insurance. In some cases, a medical office may not take a patient without insurance. Visits to walk-in clinics are recommended because many basic services are offered at a low cost. If you don't have insurance, some even offer special rates to make getting help possible. If you need medical care and want to avoid racking up high medical bills, you should look into visiting a walk-in clinic.

Get Help at Odd Times of Days

You never know when you may need stitches or when your child will wake up from a nap screaming due to an ear infection. The good news is that most walk-in clinics don't follow traditional medical clinic hours. Instead, they're often open early mornings, weekends, and late into the evening. This makes it possible for you to get the help that you need right away. 

Get Help No Matter Where You Are

If you're traveling to a new area and have a medical situation, you may not know where to get help. It can be confusing dealing with your insurance at an out-of-town hospital. Instead, you can get the medical attention that you need quickly and affordably at a local walk-in clinic. This is a great way to get the help that you need even if you're on a business trip or family vacation. 

As you can see, there are many benefits to visiting this type of medical center. If you ever find yourself needing emergency or routine medical care, consider visiting a professional at a walk-in clinic likeWest Ocean City Injury & Illness Center
