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Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Welcome to my site, my name is Jess Indaja. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after struggling with my weight throughout my teen years and adulthood. My doctor informed me about all of the dangers associated with my diet and exercise habits. I was encouraged to change the way I ate and moved in an effort to reverse my blood sugar problem. I made the changes, but still struggle with controlling my blood sugar. After going through this trying situation, I decided to make a site that may help others with problems associated with type 2 diabetes. I will discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments and medical research concerning this disease. I hope you visit often and learn all you can to control your type 2 diabetes or help others with this condition.

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research


Tips For Making Your Colonoscopy An Easier Experience

If you have to go get a colonoscopy as part of your yearly checkup or in order to further look at some problems that you might have been having, then you are likely not enthusiastic about the prospect. Colonoscopies tend to be frustrating for patients because they feel invasive and are not pleasant. However, they are extremely important in diagnosing certain cancers and finding other problems in the body that will need to be dealt with immediately.

Are Colors Fading In Your Vision? You May Have Cataracts

As we age, our vision will worsen. One problem that many people experience is a loss of potency in colors. This fading can be caused by many different vision problems, but is usually a symptom of cataracts. Here is how you can tell the difference between cataracts and other problems and how this problem is treated. Understand That It Is A Symptom Of Many Diseases While fading colors are definitely a sign of cataracts, there are several other diseases that it could indicate.

Helping Your Young Child Through An MRI

MRIs can be scary for both children and adults. However, most adults know why it is necessary to lie perfectly still, while children tend to not understand. This can lead to a lot of wiggling, which can result in the test taking a really long time as the child's parents try to reason with him or her and get him or her to lie still. Here are some tips for helping prepare your child for an MRI so that you don't have to go through this process while the procedure is supposed to be getting done.

Arthritis Sufferers: Discover How You Can Benefit From The Neem Tree

Ancient ayurvedic practitioners studied and used many natural ingredients, a great deal of them still being used today to treat and cure various medical conditions. The Neem tree is one of the most popular sources of medicinal natural ingredients used in ancient and modern ayurvedic medicine. Learn more about the medicinal benefits provided by the Neem tree's leaves, bark, and oil for arthritis sufferers. Soothes Digestive Issues Like Acid Reflux And Ulcers

How An Orthopaedic Brace Can Help Treat An ACL Tear

An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a concern for athletes. It causes your knee to buckle at any time, which means you can fall. This injury occurs when a tear develops in one of your knee ligaments that is connected to your upper and lower leg bone. It is a problem because your ACL stabilizes your knee. If your knee is unstable, then it is hard to move effectively.

Making Your Home Accessible After A Stroke: 4 Considerations For Independent Living

Every year, more than 795,000 people in the U.S. suffer from a stroke. While some of those people make full or nearly full recoveries, others are left with some level of physical disability. If you have suffered from a stroke and have limited mobility, here are some changes you can make to your home so you can continue to live independently.  Lift Chairs You may find that getting up or sitting down in your living room can be more difficult after your stroke.

4 Changes To Your Home & Schedule That Will Help Ease Your Child's Seasonal Allergies

If your child suffers from allergies, you can help ease your child's symptoms by changing up your routine, being mindful of the air inside of your house, and changing up your cleaning routine. Keep Your Little One Inside As tempting as it can be to play outside for hours on end when it is nice outside, if your child has seasonal allergies, that is the last place that your child should be.

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease: 3 Ways To Help Your Child

Hand, food, and mouth disease, often referred to as HFMD, is a treatable virus that most often seems to affect young children. It seems to spread the easiest during the fall and spring. Although HFMD is treatable, it can be tough on your child. Here are three tips to help your child get through the experience of having HFMD without too much pain. #1 Fever Reduction The first thing that you need to do is focus on getting your child's fever down.

3 Reasons To See A Teleneurology Specialist

A teleneurology specialist is an individual that can provide a consultation for medical issues involving neurological conditions, such as chronic headaches, strokes, and epilepsy. The main difference between someone who specializes in teleneurology versus a normal neurologist is that the teleneurology specialist will provide these consultations remotely, usually via the Internet or phone call. Listed below are three reasons to consider contacting a teleneurology specialist. You Live In A Remote Area

3 Steps To Take Before Getting Pregnant If You're On Birth Control Pills

Getting pregnant and having a child is an exciting event for a couple, but there are steps you should take before you begin trying if you are currently on birth control pills. Taking the right steps may help improve your chances of getting pregnant faster, and these steps might help you have a safer conception and pregnancy. Here are three steps you should consider taking. Stop taking your birth control when you finish your current pack

Treatment Options For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an incurable condition that can not only cause discomfort and itchiness, it can also cause embarrassment for sufferers. The condition is characterized by itchy, scaly, red skin. If you have psoriasis, finding the right treatment can take a process of trial and error. To help you narrow down your choices, here are some of the possible treatment options available to you.   UVB Phototherapy UVB phototherapy centers on using ultraviolet light to help alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis.

3 Common Foot Problems And How To Treat Them

Foot pain and injuries are often overlooked as being too minor to warrant proper medical attention. As a result, many suffer in silence, hoping that the pain they experience on a daily basis will simply go away. However, this need not be the case. While there are many different causes of foot pain, many of these can be easily treated. Here are three of the most common foot injuries and problems, and how you can relieve the pain they cause:

See An Orthopedic Surgeon For A Torn ACL

One fairly common injury to athletes is a torn anterior cruciate ligament. This ligament is one of the two that are inside your knee joint to help stabilize the joint. The two cruciate ligaments form an X in your knee, with the anterior cruciate ligament being the one in front. If you suspect that you have an injury to your ACL, you may want to know what the various treatments are for an injury like this.

How To Prepare A Child For Allergy Testing

Allergy testing is a useful tool that helps an allergist determine what has been triggering one's allergies. Children who are facing this test need to fully understand how it can help them. They may also need assistance when it comes to coping with the allergies that may be diagnosed. Here are some ways to best prepare your child for allergy testing. Frame the Test in a Positive Light Be sure to talk about an allergy test as the positive thing that it is.

3 Tips For Reducing Bad Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a term to refer to tiny lipids that flow through the blood in your body. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is considered bad because it can cause plaque to build in arteries and create clogging, which can eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke ocurring. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is typically referred to as good cholesterol, because it reduces the amount of LDL floating through the blood. If you have high LDL cholesterol, it is important to treat it to help prevent developing heart disease or having a stroke.

Pink Eye: What Do You Do?

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is a common condition that is easily contracted. It is the bane of some daycare facilities, and parents know all too well that their tot's pink eye can become their own in short order. When you notice certain eye symptoms, what should you do? Is It Really Pink Eye? Red eyes can be a sign of many conditions, including allergies. However, pink eye often causes severely red eyes along with oozing.

4 Signs It's Time To Try A New Birth Control Method

If you're unhappy with your current birth control method, you're not alone In fact, between 40 and 60 percent of women switch methods within each two year period. Instead of just giving up on pills or inter-uterine devices (IUDs) for more risky contraception plans, give a different method a try. Even a different type of birth control pill can relieve unpleasant side effects or other issues. Make an appointment with your doctor if any of these four issues are causing you to reconsider your chosen method.

Good Reasons To Choose Traditional Metal Braces For Your Teeth

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that has become advanced, giving way to invisible braces and braces you wear on the back on the back of your teeth. Many people that desire tooth straightening do not want others to know they are wearing braces, so they opt for braces that cannot be seen. However, if you are looking for the most affordable method of tooth straightening, you should know that traditional, visible metal braces are the way to go.

Reasons To Get Home Health Care For Your Elderly Parent

If you have an elderly parent that lives alone, you might get worried about their daily activities and whether or not they can take care of themselves. Luckily, there are more options than putting them in a nursing home. You also have the option of getting home health care services for them. Here are some benefits to choosing home health care. Your Parent Will Be Safe The first benefit to getting home health care for your parent is that they will remain safe while also having their independence.

What You Should Know About Candida Overgrowth

If you have been experiencing fatigue, frequent infections, or digestive problems, you might have candida overgrowth. Candida grows naturally in your body and isn't usually an issue. It is a form of yeast that helps you to absorb essential nutrients. However, if there is too much of the fungus in your body, it can lead to a variety of infections and physical ailments. There Are a Variety of Signs to Look For

Tips For Completing Maudsley Treatment With Your Child

If you have a child that is suffering from an eating disorder, you might have noticed that one of the treatments that is most widely advised is the Maudsley treatment program. Maudsley treatment is essentially when the parents take control of their child's eating situation, meaning that the parents take control of what the child eats, when the child eats, how much the child eats, and any other details. This allows the child to focus the voice that is screaming in his or her head about how food is going to make him or her fat on the parents, rather than on him or herself.

Tips For Disguising Your Hearing Aids

Wearing hearing aids can make a big difference in your life. However, you might be embarrassed about the idea of having visible hearing aids in your ears. There is nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to wearing hearing aids, but if you want to disguise them, there are steps that you can take to do so. Then, you can wear your hearing aids with confidence and take advantage of help with your hearing without feeling embarrassed or self-conscious.

Preventing Osteoporosis When Going Through Menopause

When you begin to go through the menopause process, you may have many different issues on your mind. After all, there are numerous symptoms associated with menopause, and it can have major effects upon your day-to-day life and how you feel overall. One of the biggest concerns that you may have is the possibility that you will suffer from osteoporosis as a result of going through the menopause process. Get to know some of the ways that you can prevent this from being an issue as you go through menopause.

3 Things You Shouldn't Do When Cleaning Your Hearing Aid

Keeping your hearing aid clean is important. If you don't clean it regularly, you could put your ear at risk of infection due to bacteria that could accumulate on your hearing device. Plus, wax can get into the receiver on your hearing aid and make it difficult for you to hear. In fact, it is worthwhile to at least wipe down your hearing aid daily and to give it a more thorough cleaning with a cleaning brush (it should have came with one, or you can ask your hearing doctor about it) regularly.

3 Reasons To Seek Brain Therapy Vs. Brain Surgery When You Have Parkinson's Disease

If you have Parkinson's disease, there is a chance that your physician has suggested the possibility of brain surgery in order to help with your shaking and uncontrollable movements. Even though a lot of Parkinson's patients have seen relief from this type of surgery, it's a big step to take. If you are unsure of the idea of having brain surgery done, you may want to consider the benefits of brain therapy instead.

How A Cleft Lip On A Baby Is Repaired Through Plastic Surgery

A cleft lip occurs in a baby when the tissues in the mouth and face don't merge together like they should as the fetus develops in the womb. The result is the baby can be born with an opening in the upper lip and palate. The cleft lip can be somewhat unsightly and most parents will choose to have plastic surgery done to close the opening to have their baby's face appear as normal as possible.

3 Things To Watch For When Touring Senior Living Facilities

Deciding to move into a senior living facility is a huge step; you will be leaving the home that you are currently living in and you will be moving into a new location and a new community. It is important that you like and feel comfortable with the senior living facility that you choose. Here are a few things to pay attention to and do while touring senior living facilities that will help you find the right community for you.