About Me

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Welcome to my site, my name is Jess Indaja. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after struggling with my weight throughout my teen years and adulthood. My doctor informed me about all of the dangers associated with my diet and exercise habits. I was encouraged to change the way I ate and moved in an effort to reverse my blood sugar problem. I made the changes, but still struggle with controlling my blood sugar. After going through this trying situation, I decided to make a site that may help others with problems associated with type 2 diabetes. I will discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments and medical research concerning this disease. I hope you visit often and learn all you can to control your type 2 diabetes or help others with this condition.

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

3 Tips For Reducing Bad Cholesterol Levels

by Carla Hudson

Cholesterol is a term to refer to tiny lipids that flow through the blood in your body. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is considered bad because it can cause plaque to build in arteries and create clogging, which can eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke ocurring. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is typically referred to as good cholesterol, because it reduces the amount of LDL floating through the blood.

If you have high LDL cholesterol, it is important to treat it to help prevent developing heart disease or having a stroke. Use the following tips to reduce your LDL cholesterol levels and increase the amount of HDL cholesterol:

Lose Weight

If you are overweight, losing some pounds and getting to a weight that is healthy for your height and body type can go a long way in reducing your LDL levels. When you want to lose weight to decrease LDL levels, it is important to do so in a healthy manner if you want to keep the weight off long-term. Avoid crash dieting and severely limiting the number of calories you eat each day. Your best bet is to consume a diet of whole foods, such as lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and complex whole grains, while staying away from processed foods. Trans-fats and saturated fats should be limited, as they may have an adverse effect on your cholesterol levels. If you lose weight slowly, and limit your weight loss to a few pounds a week, you may keep it off longer.

Start Exercising

Engaging in exercise several hours a week can be a great way to boost your HDL levels while lowering your LDL levels. It is a good idea to do both cardio exercises that will benefit your heart, as well as strength building exercises that will help you build muscle. Before starting a new exercise routine, it is a good idea to consult your doctor in order to ensure that you don't overextend yourself.

Consider Medication

If you have very high LDL cholesterol levels. it may be necessary to take medication while you make lifestyle changes to help lower your cholesterol. One of the most common types of medication prescribed to manage high cholesterol are statins, which works within the liver to prevent the production of bad cholesterol. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle, you may possibly only need to use statins for a short amount of time until your LDL levels are in a good range.  

For more information, contact a company like Temecula Valley Cardiology.
