About Me

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Welcome to my site, my name is Jess Indaja. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after struggling with my weight throughout my teen years and adulthood. My doctor informed me about all of the dangers associated with my diet and exercise habits. I was encouraged to change the way I ate and moved in an effort to reverse my blood sugar problem. I made the changes, but still struggle with controlling my blood sugar. After going through this trying situation, I decided to make a site that may help others with problems associated with type 2 diabetes. I will discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments and medical research concerning this disease. I hope you visit often and learn all you can to control your type 2 diabetes or help others with this condition.

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

    So You've Made a First-Aid Kit—Do You Know How to Use It?

    Fitting your home and family car with a first-aid kit is a fantastic thing to do, since you never know when an emergency will arise. But if an emergency does happen, do you know how to actually use the kit? Here are some common questions as well as some information about what to do. Do I use a heat pack or an ice pack for a sprained ankle or other swelling?

    4 Tips for Effective Communication with Your Child's Pediatrician

    When it comes to ensuring your child's optimal health as they grow up, effective communication with their pediatrician is essential. Here are four things you can do to ensure that you're always communicating effectively with the doctor. Make an Appointment Checklist To ensure that nothing important to you is overlooked when you are meeting with your little one's pediatrician during office visits, it's a good idea to sit down and create a checklist a day or two before each scheduled appointment.

    Tips For Making Your Colonoscopy An Easier Experience

    If you have to go get a colonoscopy as part of your yearly checkup or in order to further look at some problems that you might have been having, then you are likely not enthusiastic about the prospect. Colonoscopies tend to be frustrating for patients because they feel invasive and are not pleasant. However, they are extremely important in diagnosing certain cancers and finding other problems in the body that will need to be dealt with immediately.

    Are Colors Fading In Your Vision? You May Have Cataracts

    As we age, our vision will worsen. One problem that many people experience is a loss of potency in colors. This fading can be caused by many different vision problems, but is usually a symptom of cataracts. Here is how you can tell the difference between cataracts and other problems and how this problem is treated. Understand That It Is A Symptom Of Many Diseases While fading colors are definitely a sign of cataracts, there are several other diseases that it could indicate.

    Helping Your Young Child Through An MRI

    MRIs can be scary for both children and adults. However, most adults know why it is necessary to lie perfectly still, while children tend to not understand. This can lead to a lot of wiggling, which can result in the test taking a really long time as the child's parents try to reason with him or her and get him or her to lie still. Here are some tips for helping prepare your child for an MRI so that you don't have to go through this process while the procedure is supposed to be getting done.

    Arthritis Sufferers: Discover How You Can Benefit From The Neem Tree

    Ancient ayurvedic practitioners studied and used many natural ingredients, a great deal of them still being used today to treat and cure various medical conditions. The Neem tree is one of the most popular sources of medicinal natural ingredients used in ancient and modern ayurvedic medicine. Learn more about the medicinal benefits provided by the Neem tree's leaves, bark, and oil for arthritis sufferers. Soothes Digestive Issues Like Acid Reflux And Ulcers

    How An Orthopaedic Brace Can Help Treat An ACL Tear

    An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a concern for athletes. It causes your knee to buckle at any time, which means you can fall. This injury occurs when a tear develops in one of your knee ligaments that is connected to your upper and lower leg bone. It is a problem because your ACL stabilizes your knee. If your knee is unstable, then it is hard to move effectively.

    Making Your Home Accessible After A Stroke: 4 Considerations For Independent Living

    Every year, more than 795,000 people in the U.S. suffer from a stroke. While some of those people make full or nearly full recoveries, others are left with some level of physical disability. If you have suffered from a stroke and have limited mobility, here are some changes you can make to your home so you can continue to live independently.  Lift Chairs You may find that getting up or sitting down in your living room can be more difficult after your stroke.