About Me

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Welcome to my site, my name is Jess Indaja. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after struggling with my weight throughout my teen years and adulthood. My doctor informed me about all of the dangers associated with my diet and exercise habits. I was encouraged to change the way I ate and moved in an effort to reverse my blood sugar problem. I made the changes, but still struggle with controlling my blood sugar. After going through this trying situation, I decided to make a site that may help others with problems associated with type 2 diabetes. I will discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments and medical research concerning this disease. I hope you visit often and learn all you can to control your type 2 diabetes or help others with this condition.

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Can You Take A More Natural, Holistic Approach To Hormone Replacement During Menopause?

by Carla Hudson

When you enter menopause, the resulting changes in hormone levels can deeply affect you. Not only may you experience physical symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats, but you are also likely to experience mental symptoms, such as mood swings and feelings of anxiety. Many women become so bothered by these symptoms that they pursue hormone replacement therapy. This is definitely a good option to consider, and many women respond to it well. However, some women are uncomfortable with the idea of taking prescription hormones. If you share that discomfort, you may want to consider a more holistic approach to hormone replacement. That approach may include the following treatments.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is an herb that is thought to help balance out female hormone levels, especially during menopause. You can find it in most health food stores; it usually comes in capsules. Take it according to the instructions on the package. Often, you'll be instructed to take it once per day with a snack or meal. People often notice an improvement within a few days of beginning to take black cohosh.

Red Clover

If you live in the northeast U.S., you may have seen red clover growing in your yard. But did you know that this abundant plant can actually help rebalance hormones during menopause? It is high in compounds called isoflavones. These compounds work like estrogen in the body, and estrogen is the key hormone that starts to decline during menopause. Red clover tends to be especially helpful in managing hot flashes and vaginal dryness.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting tiny needles into your skin. The needles re-direct the flow of energy through your body. Undergoing acupuncture every couple of weeks can be really helpful during menopause. It can bring your body and mind back into balance, helping to diminish symptoms like anxiety, muscle soreness, and irritability.


Exercise is a simple, natural way to help ease menopause symptoms. It triggers the release of endorphins, which are hormones that help elevate your mood. It can also help ease muscle tension and soreness that you may be experiencing. You don't have to run a marathon or bike a century. Walking around the block, doing some yoga, or dancing all qualify as exercise, too.

If you prefer a more natural approach to hormone replacement, consider the option above. For more information on holistic hormone replacement, contact a professional near you.
