About Me

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Welcome to my site, my name is Jess Indaja. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after struggling with my weight throughout my teen years and adulthood. My doctor informed me about all of the dangers associated with my diet and exercise habits. I was encouraged to change the way I ate and moved in an effort to reverse my blood sugar problem. I made the changes, but still struggle with controlling my blood sugar. After going through this trying situation, I decided to make a site that may help others with problems associated with type 2 diabetes. I will discuss diagnostic procedures, treatments and medical research concerning this disease. I hope you visit often and learn all you can to control your type 2 diabetes or help others with this condition.

Learning About Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Research

Understanding And Treating A Dog Allergy

by Carla Hudson

Most people are aware if they suffer from food or seasonal allergies. Avoiding these foods and environmental allergies will reduce your discomfort, but managing other allergies can be difficult. Considering that an estimated 15 percent of the population has allergies to dogs or cats, proper understanding of this common condition is smart. With this guide, you will learn the signs and available treatments if you are allergic to the family dog.

Causes of Pet Allergies

If you come in contact with allergens, your immune system will attempt to fight the allergen. 

Your dog will leave allergens all over your home, and these allergens are not solely found in the hair. Saliva, urine, and dead skin cells can be found on furniture, flooring, linens, clothing, and all through the air in your home.

Signs of Pet Allergies

Each person is different, so you may experience different symptoms from another person who has a pet allergy. However, an allergy to dogs or cats can cause you to live with the following symptoms:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Watery Eyes
  • Itchy, red eyes
  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Facial pain

A severe allergic reaction is also possible if you already suffer from asthma or other breathing conditions. Difficulty breathing, chest tightness, rapid chest contractions, and changing color in the face are all signs of a severe allergic reaction that can be life threatening.

Treating Pet Allergies

Most people will be shocked once they learn they are allergic to their pets, especially since your allergy doctor will recommend moving your dog out of the home. Removing your dog from the home will improve your allergies, but it will be hard emotionally.

If you want to keep your dog in the family, ask your doctor about allergy shots to manage your symptoms.

Preventing your dog entering from areas you frequent most in the home is also helpful. Do not allow your dog to rest on your bed or other piece of furniture. Vacuum your home regularly, as well. This will reduce the amount of hair in the flooring. Be sure to wear a dust mask when vacuuming and dusting your home. This will reduce the amount of allergens you breathe in while cleaning.

Brush and bathe your dog regularly. Lastly, consider installing a HEPA filter on your home's heating and cooling system. HEPA filters remove allergens from the air in your home, improving air quality and reducing your allergy symptoms.

Living with an allergy can be challenging, but your dog can continue staying in the home. With this guide and your doctor's help, you will be able to understand and manage an allergy to your dog.
